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Why Carreghofa?

"...pupils display high levels of well-being. They feel safe and valued as individuals and enjoy school".


 - Estyn, 2019

Choosing the right school for your child is vitally important. You will want to ensure the school offers the best possible education, whilst being certain that your child is happy, safe and secure. At Carreghofa, we believe that we can offer all these things.


Our Admissions

Please find a copy of our current prospectus

We pride ourselves on the broad, inspiring and balanced curriculum we provide for all of our pupils’ time in school. The high standards of teaching and learning are a credit to the hard work of staff and pupils. We expect high standards of work and behaviour and are proud of our school and the achievements of all of our children.

The atmosphere of friendliness and co-operation at Carreghofa is very evident and helps all ‘new-comers’ settle in quickly. Many visitors to the school comment on the warm welcome they receive and how polite and sensible our children are.

We aim to ensure that all children are happy at school, working together cooperatively with their friends and reaching high to achieve their potential. We work closely with parents, valuing your support and keeping you informed at every opportunity.

Should you choose to send your child to Carreghofa, I am confident that you will have made the right decision. I hope that this prospectus will answer your immediate questions please click on link below.


I look forward to meeting you soon and if you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at school.


Yours sincerely


Mrs. Claire Pritchard
Head Teacher
“Happy together, reaching high!”

Current Prospectus

Admissions Policy

Powys Local Authority (LA) operates the school’s current admissions policy, which is the Admissions Authority for all Community and Controlled Schools within Powys. Full details of the policy, together with information about arrangements for admissions, are set out in the ‘Primary and Secondary Schools Information and Admissions Arrangements’ booklet. Copies of this booklet are available on request from:

Children, Families & Lifelong Learning (CFLL)
Powys County Hall Llandrindod Wells Powys, LD1 5LG.
Tel: 01597 826455.

All children start school the September after their 4th birthday. If there are more applications for places than are available within the admissions limit, then priority will be given based on:

1. Medical circumstances or Statement of Special Educational Needs.
2. Residence in catchment area and sibling.
3. Residence in catchment area
4. Not resident but sibling
5. Not resident, no sibling

Transfer of children

Children from the local playgroup are invited into school before the term in which they start school. The Foundation Phase teacher also visits the playgroup to meet the children and liaise with staff. Nursery children can attend school for half day sessions in their first week at Carreghofa, building this up to a full day over the course of a few weeks if they wish (other part time arrangements are possible).
We recognise that all children have different needs, and we work with parents to implement what is appropriate for each individual child. Children start at Carreghofa, the September after their 4th birthday.

Children will normally transfer to secondary school at 11 years of age. Llanfyllin, Welshpool and The Marches are currently the destination of pupils from Carreghofa CP School. We have close links with the Secondary Schools and aim to make the Primary/Secondary transfer a natural and trouble free progression.


Before starting at Carreghofa, 'move up mornings' will be available, during the Summer Term, before starting in the September, to allow children to familiarise themselves with the school, staff and peers. 

The year 6 children leaving Carreghofa will have the opportunity to attend transition days at their respective high schools. The transition days often occur late in the Summer Term, prior to their move in September. 

Additional Transition days or discussions are also available for children who may find the process particularly challenging. 

Appeals for Admission 

If you would like to make an appeal against a decision regarding admission to Carreghofa, please visit the Powys Council Website. 

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© 2024 by Carreghofa C.P. School

Tel : (01691) 830396

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Ysgol Carreghofa C.P School



SY22 6PA

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