Carreghofa P.T.A
"The parent teacher association contributes significant funds to boost the school’s resources. For example, they arranged new playground markings for pupils to use in their play at break times".
- Estyn, 2019
What would we do without Carreghofa PTA! They have raised money through numerous events both for the children and adults. We all love a good dance, and I’m sure you’ll agree the discos put on by the PTA are thoroughly enjoyed by the children. The last disco alone brought in £248 for the school. Non-uniform days are also a good opportunity to make some pennies, with the last one celebrating Meghan and Harry’s special day. The last bags to school raised £166.95, so it was definitely worth raiding your wardrobes. Our current PTA have introduced adult bingo and quiz nights. Always enjoyed by all that attend!!
They know how to test our brain power. This year they also did an egg roll in the Spring Term, bringing in £63. We have our huge events like the summer fair. These are a lovely way of getting everyone involved in making money to help our school.
This money is vital. Without these funds, PTA would not be able to fund buses for school trips, goody bags for the pantomime, or much needed equipment for school. So a huge thank you to all the parents, teachers and helpers that get involved in whatever event they can. It all makes a difference.
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An opportunity for children to dress up, meet up with friends, play games and possibly dance...
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Happening at different points during the year, open to all- children , parents and local members of the community.
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Colour Run
A new event last year, hoping to become an annual event. A whole community event, set in the village.